Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Horrorween.

Okay. Last minute planning. & because of that, i got scolded because that fella couldn`t find anything to wear at the eleventh hour. Sorry lah chan! =.=

Thanks for coming ppl. ;D

Thasha came at 2. Then we went out to buy stuff. Then came home & decorate. Then crystal came at 3.30. Then Jie Ying & Joon Kit came at 5. A big thank you to Ashley, Thasha & Crystal for decorating! & also thx Crystal for the awesome face painting. The party starts at 6. But chan & dinnish came at 7 i guess? Then we played some games. & all of us got pranked by a girl named thasha. (=.=) . Then at night, we had karoake but many left already. We had fun singing all ABBA`s songs. ;D & also other old songs. After everyone left, Thasha & i still continued singing till 1. Then we watched movie until we were really sleepy. & finally we slept at 2.30. Okay i`m done summarizing. ;D
L to R : Sherlyn, Me, Jie Ying, Thasha, Crystal, Joon Kit (emotionless) My mum & i. ;D
My brother, the batman.L to R : Eerin, Chanel, Phoeve, Cheryl, Ethan, Ben & Boy. The ladies. L to R :(top) Mum, Auntie Siow Li, Auntie Karen, Auntie Michelle, Mai Po & (bottom) Auntie Nina.


Yi An & Dad.The Disco Diva & The batman. ;D
Btw, Guess what? Disco Diva brought her disco ball too! :D

Getting ready for the games :

Ben & his friends.
Boo-yah! ;DDinnish the Devil. well, it rhymes! :)
The apple & ice game.
Jie Ying & her apple. ;)

After that, we played with water. As u can see we were running away. ;D

Then, after that, came along sean & keith.

Credits to Dinnish for this pics :

btw, check out this vid :

School Camp.

it was the 24th of October. & i`m gonna stick to my routine which is let the pictures do the talking alright? :D

the entrance is cool. we had to cross over a little bridge. it`s nice. ;D
oh-my, i`m like the shortest!
the girl`s dorm
this is where we slept at night instead of sleeping in the dorm.
them with teachers.

At night, had to do group presentation. So here`s the pictures where we were getting ready for the presentation :
Thasha & Fatimah.

Lucky draw.Hello again! spot me! ;D
Jie ying, Fatimah, Thasha & Amir
them. :)

Thasha & Fatimah. again.
Ibrahim, Rudy & Naqib. In the morning. the next day.
Flying Fox!The river. There`s the monkey bar. Group photo. :D